Tuesday, 24 September 2013

One incident, dozens of views

Always there are dozens of different views about one single incident. By reading the comment sections on the news websites we can see how people perceive things differently. A recent example was in the chaos of the shooting incident, while every one was running to save their own life , one kind person helped a terrified blind man. In the comments about this, many readers praised his kindness, but there were also many opposite comments such as "the blind man was used as a human shield"! "they knew each other, no one does it to a stranger"; some readers gave comments about his appearance in the picture and so on. All shows how subjectively people see things, that person who mentioned "human shield" obviously is incapable to understand kindness and was searching for another motive for this action. We can find so many examples in different aspects of the life.


  1. Yes, many misintrepret both kindness and reality. We all see through filters.

  2. PS. Nice that you joined my blog followers. :)
