Tuesday 9 March 2010

Fatal negligence

It is a shocking, but real story. Last week, South Korean police
arrested a couple for starving their 3-month-old daughter to
death while they were busy playing a computer game for hours.
Online, similar to Second Life website, they were raising a virtual
character of a girl and they completely forgot to feed their real
baby!!!This is the fatal consequence of the extreme behaviours.
Did they like their daughter? The answer is Yes; the problem
was their ignorance and idiocy. An old Persian proverb says
that a wise enemy is better than a stupid friend; it is true; because
a wise person always avoids extreme behaviours and follows a
well balanced life even towards his or her enemy, if there is one!!


  1. I'm hoping that this type of extreme mistake is not common.

  2. Estou sem palavras... nem sabia desta caso que falas, vou investigar o assunto. Os vídeojogos, ou a net, podem causar dependências são assustadoramente devastadoras como outras adicções! Os jovens são muito mais vulneráveis a estas dependências e isto manifestamente é um caso não de ignorância... mas de negligência pura e dura... por jovens irresponsáveis num mundo em que a satisfação imediata e a incapacidade de assumir responsabilidades parentais reinam! não houve nada que me chocasse tanto, nos últimos tempos, como esta notícia...
    Beijinho para ti

  3. This tragic story shows the dangers of addiction - in this particular case the parents' addiction to computer games. Addiction could lead to disaster.
